The practicality and promise of non-toxic paint
In the world of paint manufacturing, incorporating volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into paint formulations has been a longstanding necessity in solvent-based paints and, to a lesser degree, water-based paint.
They improve functionality by acting as a preservative and rust barrier as well as ease of application by increasing the paint’s viscosity, ensuring a smooth and even finish on the surface. VOCs also expand the temperature interval in which paint can be applied without cracking or fragmentation, and aid in the drying process, facilitating the formation of a seamless and homogeneous coating on the surface.
Despite the benefits of using VOCs, documented negative health effects have prompted a reevaluation of their use in various industries. The toxicity associated with VOC-containing paints is a pressing concern for residents and people involved in the application process, as individuals exposed to VOC fumes during painting may experience health risks ranging from short-term eye or throat irritation, nausea or headache, to long-term damage to the lungs, liver, kidneys, or central nervous system. Some VOCs such as formaldehyde and benzene are considered by many authorities to be proven or probable human carcinogens. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that roughly 3.2 million people died in 2020 due to exposure to household air pollution, much of which they attribute to indoor use of paints and other products containing VOCs. (Household air pollution - World Health Organization (WHO)).
Challenges persist in eliminating these compounds entirely, as achieving comparable performance in terms of application and drying without VOCs poses a technical barrier. However, the world of paint is undergoing a silent revolution, pivoting from traditional formulations laden with VOCs towards greener and safer alternatives. Consumer awareness of eco-friendly products is on the rise: 84% of consumers see sustainability as an important factor when making purchasing decisions. (EY’s Future Consumer Index 2021)
Pirta, in its earlier formulation, was no exception — our initial reflective cooling paint also contained these toxic VOCs, albeit in low amounts. In keeping with our mission to find better, safer, and more sustainable solutions, the move towards a non-toxic formula was non-negotiable. To reach this goal, our R&D team has leveraged sophisticated chemistry, extensive research, and most importantly, a relentless commitment to developing a product that speaks to our safety and sustainability ethics. In Pirta's new sprayable VOC-free formulation, VOCs have been methodically replaced with alternative additives while maintaining cooling performance and endurance.
Today, Pirta stands as a beacon of responsible creativity. We place a premium on safety and sustainability in every dimension of our product and incorporate life cycle assessment principles by scrutinizing every step of our supply chain and the raw materials involved in our manufacturing process. A key to our success has been the procurement of top-performing alternative additives as a result of close collaboration with leading green materials suppliers in the UK. While forging these new relationships throughout the supply chain requires significant effort, we are firm in our belief that it’s worthwhile to do the right thing by our consumers and the planet. This is Pirta: the future of paint.